Wednesday, July 8, 2015

So, like, what's the plan, man?

Whao, what the hell, you say? A Wednesday blog? That's not what you said you'd be doing! Mwahahahaha...(cough, choke, cough)

No caption really needed, right?
Wellllllll, you're right! However, I thought I might write a little somethin', somethin' today just letting you guys know where we are and where we are going in the immediate future with the content. So, grab a beverage and relax with me while I lay it all out.

So, this whole purveyor of entertainment content has been something rumbling around in the back of my mind for quite some time. I flirted with it a bit during my time in Korea, only to find that it wasn't really an option. Unbelievably, the location we were living at didn't possess upload high enough to stream content to the level I wanted to produce at. I wasn't quite at ease with the notion of making Youtube vids just yet, and blogging, while an option, didn't seem as effective as a stand alone product. In my mind, all three work together in harmony to provide something (hopefully) to entertain you regardless of the medium you prefer. Want to hang out with me live? Check me out on Can't be around when I'm twitchcasting? Youtube. Crave something a bit more intimate and on a personal level? Well, you're here already, aren't you? (or, Facebook, I suppose)  So, now, having found myself in a better situation technologically and logistically, I'm ready to put forth a product that I feel I can be proud of.

I spent most of today working on and researching computer specs, thinking about needed upgrades, and recording software. In my dabbling before, I had opted to use OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) because it was cost efficient. Free is hard to turn down when you aren't sure exactly how far you want to stick your toe in. However, today I took the plunge and bought a three month license for Xsplit in the hopes that it will aid me in content creation. It will work for both broadcasting and local recording (Twitch and Youtube, respectively) and was not terribly expensive. To be sure, there are much, much more expensive products available out there. I just don't think they are necessary at this point. I'm thinking that the stars will be aligning for video content to begin rolling out by mid next week. I could begin sooner, but I like to make sure all the boxes are ticked and that my vest has enough flair on it before I go in for my shift. I'm having to make the switch from wireless connectivity (convenient) to wired prior to starting for stability reasons. So there will be getting the necessary components for that and set up involved.

Give me a minute..ah, damn, it's gone.
As far as what kind of content I will be starting with, well....I plan on streaming Path of Exile to start. I will be putting up a broadcasting schedule sometime prior to starting, so that you will know in advance when you can tune in and hang out with me.  Youtube recordings will be more strategy-y (really), so I will probably be firing up some sort of Crusader Kings 2 series, Europa Universalis 4 series, or perhaps Dwarf Fortress. These will ALSO release on a schedule. At the start, the Youtube stuff might be more of a trickle. I'm unfamiliar with video editing, but familiar enough with the process to know that there is work involved. I plan on adhering to the blog schedule that I currently have set up for the near future. The absolute last thing I want to do is offer something that I can't deliver on. I think the key is to start slowly, see what works, and build on that, rather than rush in with a slew of sub par scheisse. Let's do it right the first time. Okay? Okay.

You guys are in on the ground floor of something that I hope will grow and become something phenomenal. Let's build it together! I'll see you for Friday's blog post, where I'm going to be writing something a little retro. Until then, #GameOn

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